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人材・組織 プラクティス
兼 インクルージョン&ダイバーシティ
2006年アクセンチュア入社。さまざまな業界、企業に対し、コンサルティングを通じ経営課題の解消を支援。現在は、組織・人材テーマのスペシャリストとして、多くの企業で経営上の最重要課題である「人・組織」の改革において、クライアント企業の経営層のパートナーとして、経営戦略の実現に向けた変革を包括的に支援。社内においては所属組織のInclusion & Diversityリーダーとして、長年に渡りI&D活動を率先。2020年よりアクセンチュア・ジャパンにおいてI&Dウェルビーイングイニシアチブの日本統括として、活動の立ち上げ構想からその後の活動運営をリード。
Megumi Joined Accenture in 2006. She has provided consulting services to various industries and companies to help them resolve their management issues. Currently, as a specialist in organizational and human resource issues, she provides comprehensive support for reforms to realize management strategies as a partner of client companies’ management in the area of “people and organization” reform, which is the most important management issue for many companies. In 2020, she will lead Accenture Japan’s I&D Wellbeing Initiative in Japan, from the conception of the initiative’s launch to its subsequent operation.
Joined HRR (now Recruit Management Solutions) as a sales representative in 2003, where she was in charge of a wide range of clients from small to large companies. In 2012, she began managing the sales organization as a manager, and in 2015, she also took on a concurrent position at the company’s organizational behavior research institute, where she conducts research on themes related to the promotion of women’s activities. She moved to Odawara after rethinking her work style and lifestyle after COVID. While enjoying raising her children in a rich natural environment, she is working to increase the number of rewarding companies in Japanese society.