代表取締役社長/社長執行役員ATSUSHI OMATSU大松 敦日建設計
President and Chief Executive Officer of Nikken Sekkei Ltd. since 2021. In 1983, he joined Nikken Sekkei Ltd. after studying architecture at the University of Tokyo. He has participated in numerous urban development projects and built a new profession that is consistent from master planning to project management. He is responsible for many major redevelopment and TOD projects in Tokyo, including the Shiodome Area Redevelopment Project, Tokyo Midtown, Yaesu Exit Development of Tokyo Station, Otemachi Chain Redevelopment (primary/secondary), Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, and the Shibuya Station Area Redevelopment Project.
KODAI KATO加藤 広大amu
代表取締役CEOKODAI KATO加藤 広大amu
代表取締役CEO1997年2月 神奈川県出身。2015年8月大学の授業をきっかけに、初めて宮城県気仙沼市へ。復興から創世のフェーズに切り替わっている最中の被災地気仙沼の熱量に感化され、年間100日気仙沼に滞在する学生生活を過ごす。2017年サイバーエージェントに就職。営業、番組プロデューサーとして番組制作に関わる。2019年、地域おこし協力隊として気仙沼に移住。2021年9月、廃漁網を未来の新資源にする、amuを設立。
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in February 1997, he first visited Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture in August 2015 for a university class. In August 2015, he moved to Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, for the first time as a result of a university class. In September 2021, he founded amu,inc, which aims to turn discarded fishing nets into a new resource for the future.
After working for Kao, Chiaki started Loftwork in 2000 and served as Representative Director and Chairman until 2022. After retiring, she established Q0. Based in Akita, Toyama, and other regions, Chiaki aims to create “inherited regional” designs that represent the times. She has served as a member of the jury for the Good Design Award, and as a member of the “Study Group on Industrial Competitiveness and Design” of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. She also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Hidakuma” which aims to create local industries through reforestation and manufacturing.
AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院
早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院
早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業、同大学院経済学研究科修士課程修了。三菱総合研究で、主に自動車メーカー・国内外政府機関への調査・コンサルティング業務に従事した後、2008年に米ピッツバーグ大学経営大学院よりPh.D.を取得。同年より米ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校ビジネススクール助教授。2013年より早稲田大学大学院早稲田大学ビジネススクール准教授。2019年より現職。 「Strategic Management Journal」「Journal of International Business Studies」など国際的な主要経営学術誌に論文を多数発表。著書 『世界標準の経営理論』(ダイヤモンド社) 『世界の経営学者はいま何を考えているのか』(英治出版) 『ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学』(日経BP社) 他。
Joined WBS in 2013. Prior to joining WBS, he served as an assistant professor of State University of New York at Buffalo, United States, for five years. He received MA and BA in economics from Keio University, Japan, and Ph.D. from University of Pittsb urgh, United States.He has widely published in premier academic journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Int ernational Business Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Global Strategy Journal, and so on.