Conference theme
イベントレポート記事はMASHING UPで順次公開予定です。
※MASHING UPはカンファレンス収益の一部を、社会課題の解決に寄与する事業・活動への寄付にあてています。
※当カンファレンスでは、皆様の交流(mash up)を推奨しております。
Not a day goes by without hearing the word “diversity”.
Now that words and ideas have spread far and wide, what is needed is a “RESONANCE” to make this movement resonate like music, transcending the roles of business and government.
Are the ideas of diversity and inclusivity truly rooted in society and pervasive in organizations?
If only we could create a new resonance that emerges from inclusion and co-creation without letting awareness lose its substance and without dividing our newly connected consciousness.
We would like to play the first note of “RESONANCE” that moves society with you.
*MASHING UP donates part of the conference revenue.
We plan to donate to SODATEAGE-NET(
*We encourage socializing and networking at our conference!
TEMIE GIWA-TUBOSUNテミー・ギワ=トゥボスンLifeBank CEOTEMIE GIWA-TUBOSUNテミー・ギワ=トゥボスンLifeBank CEO
ナイジェリアの医療テックスタートアップ「LifeBank」の創設者兼CEO。ブロックチェーンを活用し、血液や医療物資を安全かつスピーディーに現場に届けるプラットフォームを運営する。ナイジェリア国内に加え、ケニアやエチオピアでもサービスを展開。ミドルベリー国際大学院で国際公共経営を学んだ後、国際開発省(DFID)、世界保健機関、UNDP、ラゴス州政府で10年以上の保健管理を歴任。2014年、BBCが発表した「世界を変える女性100人」の一人に選出されたほか、Quartzと世界経済フォーラムからアフリカのイノベーターとして認定された。また、2022年には、カルティエ ウーマンズ イニシアチブのインパクト アワード(生活向上部門)も受賞。
Temie Giwa-Tubosun studied International Public Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. She has over 10 years of health management experience with the Department For International Development (DFID), World Health Organization, UNDP, and the Lagos State Government. In 2014, the BBC listed her as one of the 100 Women changing the world. She was also recognized as an African Innovator by Quartz and the World Economic Forum. She is the Founder and CEO of LifeBank; Africa’s healthcare supply chain engine. The company helps hospitals discover essential medical suppliers and delivers them in the right condition and on time.
MARA ZEPEDAマーラ・ゼペダZebras Unite Co-Founder & Managing DirectorMARA ZEPEDAマーラ・ゼペダZebras Unite Co-Founder & Managing Director
利益を第一に考え、事業拡大を優先する「ユニコーン企業」に対し、よりよい社会構築に寄与しつつ、持続可能な事業を営む企業として、「ゼブラ企業」という新たな概念を提唱。ゼブラ企業の支援を行う「Zebras Unite」の共同創立者兼マネージングディレクターを務め、現在その活動は6大陸以上にまたがる。これまでにベンチャーソフトウェア企業Switchboard(現Hearken)の創業や、あらゆる規模や分野の企業のビジネスリーダーのためのコミュニティ「Business for a Better Portland」、またオレゴンの女性起業家を支援する「XXcelerate」の立ち上げに携わるなど、社会起業家としての側面も持つ。
Mara Zepeda is a Co-Founder and Managing Director of Zebras Unite, an international and intersectional hybrid cooperative creating the capital, culture, and community for the next economy. Zebra Unite’s members include founders, investors, allies and ecosystem builders of a different stripe from around the world and has over 25 chapters on six continents. Prior, Mara was the founder of a venture backed software company, Switchboard (now Hearken). Mara is a systempreneur and serial social entrepreneur. She has also co-founded and was the founding board
chair of Business for a Better Portland, a progressive business organization, and XXcelerate, an entrepreneurship support organization for Oregon women entrepreneurs. She holds a BA in Russian from Reed College and an MS in Journalism from Columbia University where she graduated with honors. She grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
HIROAKI AOKI青木 広明シティグループ証券
ESG/サステナビリティ・リードHIROAKI AOKI青木 広明シティグループ証券
Hiroaki Aoki joined Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. in 2021. As ESG/Sustainability Lead for Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory (BCMA), he is responsible for ESG advisory services in Japan.Prior to joining Citi, he worked at Vigeo Eiris (Moody’s ESG Solutions). He joined the company in 2003 and has more than 15 years of experience of ESG research, covering Japanese companies in various sectors including automotive, industrial goods & services, and mechanical components & equipment.Most recently, Hiroaki served as Head of Japanese Market for Vigeo Eiris and supported asset owners, institutional investors, and financial institutions in developing their ESG and climate change related research and data implementation proposals as well as supporting ESG dialogues between Japanese companies and both domestic and international institutional investors.He also provided second party opinion (SPO) services to issuers of ESG bonds such as green bonds, social bonds, and sustainability bonds, and was involved in all the SPO transactions that Vigeo Eiris provided in Japan, including companies like NYK Line, Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities, Toyota Motor Corporation, Itochu Corporation, and Denso Corporation. Hiroaki holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in commerce from Hitotsubashi University.
HIROSHI AOI青井 浩丸井グループ
代表執行役員CEOHIROSHI AOI青井 浩丸井グループ
代表執行役員CEO1986年入社、2005年4月より代表取締役社長に就任。創業以来の小売・金融一体の独自のビジネスモデルをベースに、ターゲット戦略の見直しや、ハウスカードから汎用カードへの転換、SC・定借化の推進など、さまざまな革新を進める。ステークホルダーとの共創を通じ、すべての人が「しあわせ」を感じられるインクルーシブで豊かな社会の実現をめざす。著書に『丸井グループ社長 青井浩が賢人と解く サステナビリティ経営の真髄』(日経BP)。
Joined the Company in 1986 and became President and Representative Director in April 2005. Based on the unique integrated retail and financial business model that has been in place since the company’s founding, he has promoted various innovations, including a review of targeting strategies, a shift from house cards to general-purpose cards, and the promotion of SCs and fixed lease agreements. Through co-creation with stakeholders, he aims to realize an inclusive and prosperous society where all people can feel “happiness”.
YOKO ARAKAWA荒川 陽子Great Place to Work Institute Japan
代表YOKO ARAKAWA荒川 陽子Great Place to Work Institute Japan
Joined HRR (now Recruit Management Solutions) as a sales representative in 2003, where she was in charge of a wide range of clients from small to large companies. In 2012, she began managing the sales organization as a manager, and in 2015, she also took on a concurrent position at the company’s organizational behavior research institute, where she conducts research on themes related to the promotion of women’s activities. She moved to Odawara after rethinking her work style and lifestyle after COVID. While enjoying raising her children in a rich natural environment, she is working to increase the number of rewarding companies in Japanese society.
“あなたによくて、社会にいいこと”をビジョンに掲げ、オイテルを代表の小村と共同創業。社会課題をビジネスで解決するをミッションに、専務取締役COOとして「OiTr(オイテル)」の企画立案や事業戦略等の事業統括を担当。創業以前はデジタルハリウッド株式会社、株式会社アスキー、エイベックス・プラニング&デベロップメント株式会社(avex group)等の様々な業種で事業プロデュースに従事し新規事業を手掛ける。
海外事業部中華圏統括MIYUKI ITAYA板屋 美幸ベクトル
海外事業部中華圏統括某航空会社国際線CAを経て、1997年に日中友好協会交換留学生として上海外国語大学へ留学。その後、2005年に中国で日本の良いものを広めるため、上海にPR会社C’s Communicationを設立、数々の日本ブランドの中国上陸PRを手掛ける。2011年ベクトルの中国進出を機にベクトルグループに事業参画、ベクトルチャイナの総経理に就任。現在、ベクトルチャイナの董事長並びにベクトルの中華圏エリアを統括し、中華圏における日本ブランドのマーケティングをサポートしている。
After working as a flight attendant on an international flight for an airline company, Miyuki studied at Shanghai Foreign Studies University as an exchange student of the Japan-China Friendship Association in 1997. In 2005, she established C’s Communication, a PR company in Shanghai to promote Japanese products in China, and has been involved in PR activities for many Japanese brands in China. 2011, she joined Vector Group and became the general manager of Vector China when Vector entered China. Currently, she is the Chairman of Vector China and in charge of Vector’s Greater China area, supporting the marketing of Japanese brands in Greater China.
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス
執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長
セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス
執行役員 サスティナビリティ推進室 室長
セガサミービジネスサポート 代表取締役社長多摩大学学長秘書を経てパソナで阪神・淡路大震災後の復興プロジェクトを担当。その後、ナムコ(現・バンダイナムコエンターテインメント)に入社。産官学連携事業や教育事業を立ち上げ、2011年に小学生向けの教科書を開発。異例のヒットを生み出す。その後、新規事業部のGMを6年担当。後に特例子会社取締役を経て2020年4月より現職。エンターテインメントグループにおけるサステナビリティの推進、DEI関連では特に障がい者雇用・理解促進を特例子会社の代表取締役社長として連携した施策を推進、経団連の障害者雇用制度見直し見当WGの委員やNPOの理事なども務める。
After working as secretary to the president of Tama University, she was in charge of reconstruction projects after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake at Pasona Inc. She then joined Namco (now NAMCO BANDAI Entertainment Inc.). She launched industry-government-academia collaboration projects and educational projects, and in 2011 developed textbooks for elementary school students. It was an exceptional hit. Later, she served as GM of the New Business Department for 6 years. After serving as director of a special subsidiary,assumed her current position in April 2020. She promotes sustainability in the entertainment group, and in relation to DEI, she promotes measures in cooperation with the president of the special subsidiary to promote employment and understanding of people with disabilities in particular, and also serves as a member of the Keidanren’s Working Group on Reviewing the Employment System for People with Disabilities and as a board member of an NPO.
AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院
早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院
早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業、同大学院経済学研究科修士課程修了。三菱総合研究で、主に自動車メーカー・国内外政府機関への調査・コンサルティング業務に従事した後、2008年に米ピッツバーグ大学経営大学院よりPh.D.を取得。同年より米ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校ビジネススクール助教授。2013年より早稲田大学大学院早稲田大学ビジネススクール准教授。2019年より現職。 「Strategic Management Journal」「Journal of International Business Studies」など国際的な主要経営学術誌に論文を多数発表。著書 『世界標準の経営理論』(ダイヤモンド社) 『世界の経営学者はいま何を考えているのか』(英治出版) 『ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学』(日経BP社) 他。
Joined WBS in 2013. Prior to joining WBS, he served as an assistant professor of State University of New York at Buffalo, United States, for five years. He received MA and BA in economics from Keio University, Japan, and Ph.D. from University of Pittsb urgh, United States.He has widely published in premier academic journals including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Int ernational Business Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Global Strategy Journal, and so on.
代表取締役社長/社長執行役員ATSUSHI OMATSU大松 敦日建設計
President and Chief Executive Officer of Nikken Sekkei Ltd. since 2021. In 1983, he joined Nikken Sekkei Ltd. after studying architecture at the University of Tokyo. He has participated in numerous urban development projects and built a new profession that is consistent from master planning to project management. He is responsible for many major redevelopment and TOD projects in Tokyo, including the Shiodome Area Redevelopment Project, Tokyo Midtown, Yaesu Exit Development of Tokyo Station, Otemachi Chain Redevelopment (primary/secondary), Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, and the Shibuya Station Area Redevelopment Project.
代表取締役社長ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子プロノバ
代表取締役社長ヒューマンキャピタリスト、経営チーム強化コンサルタント、リーダー育成のプロ。三菱商事、ハーバードMBA、マッキンゼー、グロービス・グループを経て、2007年プロノバ設立。丸井グループ、セプテーニ・ホールディングス、マネーフォワード、ランサーズ、ヤプリにて社外取締役。20年12月より、ユーグレナの取締役CHRO(非常勤)に就任。世界経済フォーラムから「Young Global Leaders 2007」に選出。著書に『40歳が社長になる日』(幻冬舎)他。
Human Capitalist, Management Team Enhancement Consultant, and Leader Development Professional. After working at Mitsubishi Corporation, Harvard MBA, McKinsey & Company, and GLOBIS Group, she established ProNova in 2007. She has served as an outside director at Marui Group, SEPTENI Holdings, Money Forward, Lancers, and Yapuri, and has been a director and CHRO (part-time) of Euglena since December 2008. She was selected as “Young Global Leaders 2007” by the World Economic Forum.
SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン
理事・事務局長SHINKO OSADA長田 新子渋谷未来デザイン
理事・事務局長外資系情報通信及び企業システム・サービスの営業、マーケティング及び広報責任者を経て、2007年にレッドブル・ジャパン入社。最初の3年間をコミュニケーション統括、2010年から7年半をマーケティング本部長(CMO)として、日本におけるエナジードリンクのカテゴリー確立及びレッドブルブランドと製品を日本市場で浸透させるべく従事し、2017年に退社。独立後、2018年4月より現職。渋谷5GエンターテイメントやNext Generationsなどのプロジェクトを手掛け、SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYAのエグゼクティブプロデューサーも務める。2022年4月より事務局長に就任。またNEW KIDS代表としてマーケティング・PR関連のアドバイザーや、マーケターキャリア協会理事及び女性複業支援企業等でキャリア支援活動も積極的に行う。2022年3月よりMetaverse Japan代表理事に就任。著書に『アスリート×ブランド 感動と興奮を分かち合うスポーツシーンのつくり方』(宣伝会議)、渋谷未来デザイン編・著書として『変わり続ける! シブヤ系まちづくり』(工作舎)。
After working as a sales, marketing and public relations manager for a foreign telecommunications and enterprise systems and services company, Shinko joined Red Bull Japan in 2007. She spent her first three years as head of communications and seven and a half years as head of marketing (CMO) from 2010 to 2017, when she left the company to establish the energy drink category in Japan and to promote the Red Bull brand and products in the Japanese market. After becoming independent, she has been in her current position since April 2018. Shinko has been involved in projects such as Shibuya 5G Entertainment and Next Generations, and is also the executive producer of SOCIAL INNOVATION WEEK SHIBUYA. She has also been active as a marketing and PR advisor as a representative of NEW KIDS, a board member of the Marketers Career Association, and a member of the board of Metaverse Japan.
KAZUMI ODA尾田 和実メディアジーン
ルーミー編集長KAZUMI ODA尾田 和実メディアジーン
ルーミー編集長シンコー・ミュージック、MTV JAPANを経て、2009年、メディアジーンに入社。ギズモード、ライフハッカー、コタク、ルーミーの編集長を歴任。2015年よりサイバーエージェントに入社、エディトリアルアドスタジオ初代スタジオ長、SILLY編集長を経て、2017年にメディアジーンに復職。撮影/mariko kobayashi
After working at Shinko Music and MTV Japan, he joined Mediagene Inc. in 2009. He has served as editor-in-chief of GIZMODO, Lifehacker, Kotaku and ROOMIE. He joined CyberAgent, Inc. in 2015, served as the first studio head of Editorial Ad Studio and editor-in-chief of SILLY before returning to work at Mediagine Inc. in 2017. photo/mariko kobayashi
KAZUYA OHARA小原 和也ロフトワーク
MTRL事業責任者KAZUYA OHARA小原 和也ロフトワーク
MTRL事業責任者2015年ロフトワークに入社。慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科修了(デザイン)。素材/材料の新たな価値更新を目指したプラットフォーム「MTRL」の立上げメンバーとして運営に関わる。現在は事業責任者兼プロデューサーとして、素材/材料基軸の企業向け企画、プロジェクト、新規事業の創出に携わる。モットーは 「人生はミスマッチ」。あだ名は弁慶。慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科研究員。
Joined Loftwork in 2015. Graduated from Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University (Design). Involved in the operation of “MTRL,” a platform for renewal of new value of materials, as a founding member. Currently, as a business manager and producer, he is involved in planning, projects, and creation of new businesses for companies based on materials. His motto is “Life is a mismatch”. His nickname is “Benkei”. He is a researcher at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University.
MEGUMI KAIZU海津 恵アクセンチュア
ビジネス コンサルティング本部
人材・組織 プラクティス
兼 インクルージョン&ダイバーシティ
ウェルビーイング日本統括MEGUMI KAIZU海津 恵アクセンチュア
ビジネス コンサルティング本部
人材・組織 プラクティス
兼 インクルージョン&ダイバーシティ
ウェルビーイング日本統括2006年アクセンチュア入社。さまざまな業界、企業に対し、コンサルティングを通じ経営課題の解消を支援。現在は、組織・人材テーマのスペシャリストとして、多くの企業で経営上の最重要課題である「人・組織」の改革において、クライアント企業の経営層のパートナーとして、経営戦略の実現に向けた変革を包括的に支援。社内においては所属組織のInclusion & Diversityリーダーとして、長年に渡りI&D活動を率先。2020年よりアクセンチュア・ジャパンにおいてI&Dウェルビーイングイニシアチブの日本統括として、活動の立ち上げ構想からその後の活動運営をリード。
Megumi Joined Accenture in 2006. She has provided consulting services to various industries and companies to help them resolve their management issues. Currently, as a specialist in organizational and human resource issues, she provides comprehensive support for reforms to realize management strategies as a partner of client companies’ management in the area of “people and organization” reform, which is the most important management issue for many companies. In 2020, she will lead Accenture Japan’s I&D Wellbeing Initiative in Japan, from the conception of the initiative’s launch to its subsequent operation.
KODAI KATO加藤 広大amu
代表取締役CEOKODAI KATO加藤 広大amu
代表取締役CEO1997年2月 神奈川県出身。2015年8月大学の授業をきっかけに、初めて宮城県気仙沼市へ。復興から創世のフェーズに切り替わっている最中の被災地気仙沼の熱量に感化され、年間100日気仙沼に滞在する学生生活を過ごす。2017年サイバーエージェントに就職。営業、番組プロデューサーとして番組制作に関わる。2019年、地域おこし協力隊として気仙沼に移住。2021年9月、廃漁網を未来の新資源にする、amuを設立。
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in February 1997, he first visited Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture in August 2015 for a university class. In August 2015, he moved to Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, for the first time as a result of a university class. In September 2021, he founded amu,inc, which aims to turn discarded fishing nets into a new resource for the future.
AI KAWAGUCHI川口 あいNewsPicks for WE 編集長AI KAWAGUCHI川口 あいNewsPicks for WE 編集長
NewsPicks Studios Brand Growth Team Leader/NewsPicks for WE編集長。昭和女子大学大学院文学研究科修士課程修了。小学館クリエイティブ、ハフポスト日本版パートナースタジオ チーフ・クリエイティブ・ディレクター等を経て現職。現在はNewsPicks Studiosにて、動画を中心に記事やイベントなどのスポンサードコンテンツを制作、メディアビジネスに従事。DE&I領域では女性リーダー育成プロジェクトNewsPicks for WEを推進。Forbes Japan オフィシャルコラムニスト。TBSラジオ放送番組審議会委員。
Ai is NewsPicks Studios Brand Growth Team Leader/NewsPicks for WE Editor-in-Chief. She holds a Master’s degree in Literature from Showa Women’s University. She has worked at Shogakukan Creative and HuffPost Japan Partner Studio as Chief Creative Director before assuming her current position. She is currently engaged in media business at NewsPicks Studios, where she produces sponsored content such as articles and events with a focus on video, and promotes NewsPicks for WE, a women’s leadership development project in the DE&I domain. She is a member of the TBS Radio Broadcasting Program Council.
MEI KANAI金井 芽衣ポジウィル
代表取締役MEI KANAI金井 芽衣ポジウィル
代表取締役1990年生まれ。短大で保育士・幼稚園教諭の免許を取得した後、キャリアカウンセリングを学ぶため、2010年に法政大学キャリアデザイン学部に編入学。新卒でリクルートキャリアに入社。人材紹介部門の法人営業を担当するなかで、相談者に転職以外の選択肢を提案できないもどかしさを感じ、2017年にポジウィルを設立。個人から料金をいただく中立的なキャリア支援事業を発足し、「どう生きたいか? でキャリアをきめる。」キャリアのパーソナル・トレーニング「POSIWILL CAREER」を運営。今後も「個を変え、社会を動かす、生き方支援カンパニーへ。」というビジョンのもと、幅広い層への支援事業を展開していく。
Born in 1990. After obtaining a license as a nursery teacher and kindergarten teacher at a junior college, she transferred to the Career Design Department of Hosei University in 2010 to study career counseling. After graduating, she joined Recruit Career. While working as a corporate sales representative in the recruiting department, she felt frustrated that she was unable to offer counselors options other than changing jobs, founded Posiwill in 2017. she launched a neutral career support business that receives fees from individuals, and started to offer career advice. She operates Posiwill CAREER, a personal career training program.
NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク
SDGs推進室NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク
She joined SOFTBANK in 2004. She was in charge of hiring new graduates and mid-career employees, launching the “SoftBank University,” a human resource development institution, identifying and training leaders in next-generation, talent management and diversity promotion, including the “SoftBank Academia.” She is currently assigned to the SDGs Promotion Office that formulates and promotes SDGs strategies, communicates with external parties, and internal penetration measures.
SHIGEO KUWABARA桑原 茂雄イーデザイン損害保険 取締役社長SHIGEO KUWABARA桑原 茂雄イーデザイン損害保険 取締役社長
Shigeo joined Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance (now Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance) in 1989. After working on the development of super insurance (life and non-life integrated insurance), product, administrative, and system overhauls, CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the U.S. corporation, and General Manager of Business Process Reform Department, he assumed his current position in April 2018.
MARI KOGISO小木曽 麻里SDGインパクトジャパン
代表取締役MARI KOGISO小木曽 麻里SDGインパクトジャパン
代表取締役インパクト投資、社会起業家支援、インクルーシブビジネスの促進などSDG実現のためのビジネス、特にSDGファイナンスに幅広く携わる。2017年には国内で初めてのジェンダー投資ファンドであるアジア女性インパクトファンドを設立。世界銀行資本市場部、世界銀行グループ多国間投資保証機関(MIGA)東京代表、ダルバーグジャパン代表、ファーストリテイリンググループのダイバーシティ担当部長および人権委員会事務局長を歴任。W20日本デリゲート、国際協力機構海外投融資委員会有識者委員、WE Empowerのアドバイザーを務める。東京大学経済学部卒業。タフツ大学フレッチャー校修士。
Mari is an impact investing leader with extensive background in inclusive business, sustainable finance, and social entrepreneurship. Most recently, Mari was the global head of diversity and human rights of the Fast Retailing Group. Before Fast Retailing, she led the establishment of the Asia Women Impact Fund ($100 million) at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, that mobilized capital to improve the lives of women and remove gender barriers in Asia. Previously Mari held senior positions at the World Bank Group in Washington DC and Tokyo including the representative of MIGA (the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) in Tokyo. She has also served as the Representative of Dalberg Japan; as an expert advisor on JICA’s Overseas Investment Review Committee; a delegate of W20 Japan; and as an advisor to the WeEmpower, the joint initiative of the ILO and UN Women. Mari holds a BA in Economics from Tokyo University and an MA from the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
ERI KOBAYASHI小林 恵梨子リプレニティ
代表取締役社長ERI KOBAYASHI小林 恵梨子リプレニティ
代表取締役社長新卒でPanasonicに入社後、アメリカで修士号(応用行動科学)取得、その後国際機関、NPO、政府系機関で防災分野の国際開発事業に従事。プロジェクト立案、実施、評価を多国籍のメンバーの中で遂行。通算12年の海外在住経験と海外でのプロジェクト推進経験あり。夫のシンガポール駐在に帯同中、装いの効果を体感し副業でパーソナルスタイリストとして希少な外国人個人事業主として起業、後に現地に法人設立。スタイリングを通じて数多くのクライアントの悩みに向き合っていた時に、勤務地バングラデシュの縫製工場の倒壊、度重なる火災事故を目の当たりにする。個人宅で散見する大量の服と生産現場のギャップに違和感を感じ、日本へ帰国後、東京都女性ベンチャー成長促進事業(APT Women)への採択を経て、服選びのスキルシェアプラットフォームサービス【ミニスタ®︎】β版アプリをリリース。ミニスタ®︎を通じて、製品販売型だったアパレルバリューチェーンを体験提供型へシフトし商品価値を最大化するFaaS (Fashion as a Service)により、エシカルな消費とサステナブルな未来創りを目指す。
After joining Panasonic as a new graduate, Eri obtained a master’s degree (Applied Behavioral Science) in the U.S. She then worked for international organizations, NPOs, and government agencies on international development projects in the field of disaster management. She has planned, implemented, and evaluated projects with a multinational team. She has lived abroad for a total of 12 years and has experiences in promoting projects overseas. While accompanying her husband on his assignment in Singapore, she experienced the benefits of dressing well and started her own business as a personal stylist as a sideline business, a rare foreign sole proprietorship, and later established a local corporation. While dealing with the problems of numerous clients through styling, she witnessed the collapse of a sewing factory in Bangladesh, where she worked, and repeated fire accidents. She felt uncomfortable with the gap between the large amount of clothes she saw in everyone’s closets and the production site, and after returning to Japan, she was selected by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s APT Women’s Venture Growth Promotion Project to launch the beta version of the Minista® app, a skill-sharing platform service for selecting clothes. Through Minista®, she aims to shift the apparel value chain from a product sales model to an experience-based model and maximize product value through FaaS (Fashion as a Service), aiming for ethical consumption and the creation of a sustainable future.
KENTARO SAKAKIBARA榊原 健太郎サムライインキュベート
代表取締役KENTARO SAKAKIBARA榊原 健太郎サムライインキュベート
代表取締役1974年、名古屋生まれ。関西大学社会学部卒業後、大手医療機器メーカーや創業期のアクシブドットコム(現 CALTA HOLDINGS)での営業統括等を経て、2008年にサムライインキュベートを設立。「できるできないでなく、やるかやらないかで世界を変える」をミッションに掲げ、ベンチャーキャピタルとして創業期の起業家を中心に出資・成長支援を行う。2014年にイスラエル、2018年にアフリカへ進出。現在合計10カ国・累計230社以上への支援実績がある。日経産業新聞の寄稿や業界イベントにおいて多くの講演・審査員も行う。著書に『20代の起業論』(ダイヤモンド社)。
Born in Nagoya in 1974. After graduating from the Faculty of Sociology at Kansai University, he worked for a major medical equipment manufacturer and managed sales at (now CALTA HOLDINGS), a start-up company.He established Samurai Incubate in 2008 with the mission of “changing the world not by what you can do, but by what you will do or will not do”. Currently, it has provided support to a total of more than 230 companies in a total of 10 countries. He is also a contributor to the Nikkei Business Daily and a frequent speaker and judge at industry events.
NAHO SHIGETA繁田 奈歩インフォブリッジ
CEONAHO SHIGETA繁田 奈歩インフォブリッジ
CEO東京大学教育学部卒、1995年大学在学中にインドニューデリーで個人事業として旅行会社を開始。1999年インフォプラント(現マクロミル)入社、2002年同社取締役就任。2004年同社初の海外子会社であるInfo Plant China Co., Ltd.の立上げと中国・韓国・台湾企業とのアライアンスを担当。2006年インフォプラント退任後、INFOBRIDGE HOLDINGS GROUP Ltd.を設立、代表就任。2007年、日本に中国・インドの営業をサポートするインフォブリッジマーケティング&プロモーションズを設立。インドマーケティングリサーチ会社Market Xcel Data Matrix Pvt. Ltd.との合弁事業開始。インドにマーケティングリサーチ会社を設立し、日本企業のマーケティングニーズをインドに拡大する。その後、Mistletoe INC(孫泰藏氏がファウンダー)とGSF India(インド有数のアクセラレーター)とともにインドでFarm to Forkのスタートアップ支援のエコシステムを構築する新しいGastrotope Pvt Ltdを立ち上げ、現在では、インド中心にアジアのスタートアップ支援をはじめ、新たな投資事業を展開。
Naho has graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Education. During her undergraduate study at the University of Tokyo, in 1995, she started her own travel agency in New Delhi, India. She joined Info Plant (now Macromill) in 1999 and became a director of the company in 2002. In 2004, she became in charge of launching Info Plant China Co., Ltd. as the company’s first overseas subsidiary and of forming alliances with Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese companies. After retiring from Info Plant in 2006, she established INFOBRIDGE HOLDINGS GROUP Ltd. and became its representative. In 2007, having established INFOBRIDGE MARKETING & PROMOTIONS Inc. in Japan to support sales in China and India, she launched a joint venture with an Indian marketing research company, Market Xcel Data Matrix Pvt. Ltd. With the establishment of a marketing research company in India, she expanded the marketing needs of Japanese companies in India. Later, together with Mistletoe INC (founded by Mr. Taizo Son) and GSF India (one of India’s leading accelerators), she launched a new joint venture company, Gastrotope Pvt Ltd, to build a Farm to Fork startup support ecosystem in India. The company is developing new investment businesses, including startup supports in India and other Asian countries.
取締役MAKIKO SHINODA篠田 真貴子エール
取締役慶應義塾大学経済学部卒、米ペンシルバニア大ウォートン校MBA、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大国際関係論修士。日本長期信用銀行、マッキンゼー、ノバルティス、ネスレを経て、2008年〜2018年、ほぼ日取締役CFO。退任後「ジョブレス」期間を経て、2020年3月より社外人材によるオンライン1on1を提供するエールの取締役に就任。人と組織の関係や、女性活躍に関心を寄せている。メルカリ社外取締役、経済産業省 人的資本経営の実現に向けた検討会 委員。『LISTEN――知性豊かで 創造力がある人になれる』(日経BP)、『ALLIANCE アライアンス―――人と企業が信頼で結ばれる新しい雇用』(ダイヤモンド社)監訳。
Makiko holds a B.A. in Economics from Keio University, an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and an M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University. After working for Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, McKinsey, Novartis, and Nestlé, she was Director and CFO of Hobonichi from 2008 to 2018, and after a “jobless” period after retiring, became Director of Yale, a provider of online 1-on-1 by external personnel, in March 2020. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of Yale Inc. since March 2020. She is interested in the relationship between people and organizations and women’s activities. She is also an external director of mercari and a member of the Study Group for the Realization of Human Capital Management of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
創業者CHRISTIAN SCHMITZシュミッツ クリスチャンPDIE Group
After a corporate career with large multinationals such as Bayer, BASF and Henkel, Christian started his boutique consulting firm Aventa back in 2009 and offered strategic consulting to numerous international and domestic Japanese clients. He has built and run several startups and invested as early stage angel investor. In 2019, he founded the PDIE = Purpose Driven Innovation Ecosystem to connect innovators, change makers and entrepreneurs on a global scale and foster sustainable innovation. He currently acts as CMO and Head of Asia for the global food and agricultural commodities trading platform DCX. Most recently, he assumed a position as senior advisor of the Future Food Institute. His passion is co-creating a better tomorrow through innovation.
KAORI SHINDO進藤 かおりパソナグループ
常務執行役員KAORI SHINDO進藤 かおりパソナグループ
After joined Pasona Group Inc. in 2010. Kaori is responsible for venture promotion. She focuses on creating jobs through entrepreneurship, and is committed to producing entrepreneurs both inside and outside the company.She has been involved in mentoring internal entrepreneurs and building businesses by analyzing various business models and utilizing her experience as a fund manager at a Japanese investment advisory firm.She has also been actively involved in supporting external entrepreneurs as well as internal entrepreneurs by establishing the Women Entrepreneur Contest and Acceleration Program at Pasona Group.
グッドコンディション推進室MAMI SUZUKI鈴木 麻未ヤフー
As a board member of an SNS marketing start-up company, Miki has been involved in the awareness campaign and launch of SNS services since the early days of SNS in Japan. As a leading figure in SNS marketing in Japan, she has assisted many companies, especially major companies, and in 2018, she headed the administration of Lovable Marketing Group. as the head of IPO preparation, she was responsible for the initial listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers market (now Growth market) in December 2021. Currently, as CCO of DAS, which supports overseas advanced technology companies to enter JAPAC, Miki is mainly in charge of stakeholder communication.
代表取締役社長MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)メディアラボ助教授、東京大学大学院特任准教授を経て、現在、東京藝術大学美術学部デザイン科准教授。2019年よりTEDフェロー、2017年より世界経済フォーラム「ヤング・グローバル・リーダー」選出。第11回「ロレアル‐ユネスコ女性科学者 日本特別賞」、「Vogue Woman of the Year」、日本版ニューズウィーク「世界が尊敬する日本人100」 選出等受賞。2019年、Cradleを設立、代表取締役社長就任。
Mari was Associate Professor at MIT Media Lab and Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, currently Associate Professor of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Art. She has been a TED Fellow since 2019 and a World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader” since 2017. Her awards include the 11th “L’Oreal-UNESCO Special Award for Women Scientists in Japan”, “Vogue Woman of the Year”, and selection as one of the “100 Most Respected Japanese in the World” by Newsweek Japan. In 2019, she founded Cradle.
代表取締役社長KOTARO TSUKAMOTO津下本 耕太郎グロースX
Joined AlliedArchitects in 2007, became a director of the company in 2012, and at the time of its IPO on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers in 2013, he was responsible for 80% of the company’s sales by significantly monetizing the various businesses he launched, including the SNS support business and SaaS. started his own business in 2018, and in 2019 synchronized his new business, Growth In August 2020, he incorporated the company and became President and CEO of Growth X. He has launched more than 10 SaaS startups, has traveled to 43 countries, and graduated from Sophia University in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Science and Engineering. His graduate career was as an engineer of large-scale manufacturing systems.
HIROKI TESHIMA手嶋 浩己XTech Ventures
代表パートナーHIROKI TESHIMA手嶋 浩己XTech Ventures
代表パートナー1976年生まれ。1999年一橋大学商学部卒業後、博報堂に入社し、マーケティングプランニング、ブランドコンサルティング業務等6年間勤務。2006年インタースパイア(現ユナイテッド)入社、取締役に就任。その後、2度の経営統合を行い、2012年ユナイテッド取締役に就任、2018年退任。在任中は多数の新規事業の立ち上げや、メルカリ等へのベンチャー投資、複数社のM&Aの実行等で貢献。2013年-2017年メルカリ社外取締役。2018年、XTech Venturesを創業し、共同創業者兼ジェネラルパートナーに(現任)。2019年、LayerXの取締役(現任)に就任。
Born in 1976, graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Commerce in 1999, and joined Hakuhodo where he worked for 6 years in marketing planning and brand consulting. 2006 joined Interspire (now United) and became a director. After two management mergers, he became a director of United in 2012 and retired in 2018. During his tenure, he contributed to the launch of numerous new businesses, venture investments in companies such as Mercari, and the execution of several M&As, etc. He was an outside director of Mercari from 2013 to 2017. 2018, he founded XTech Ventures and became co-founder and general partner (current position). 2019, he became a director of LayerX. Director (to date).
HIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCOHIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata Co-founder / CCO
Edinburgh Napier University(英)卒。グローバルデジタルマーケティングカンファレンスを主催しているdmg::events Japan にて、6年間主にコンテンツプログラムの責任者として従事。2018年から女性エンパワメントを軸にジェンダー、年齢、働き方、健康の問題などまわりにある見えない障壁に問いをたてるビジネスカンファレンス「MASHING UP」を企画プロデュース。2019年にAminaとともにfermataを創業し、主に法人営業を担当している。
Graduated from Edinburgh Napier University (UK). She worked mainly as a content program manager for six years at “dmg::events Japan”, which hosts the Global Digital Marketing Conference. Since 2018, MASHING UP, a business conference focused on women’s empowerment, has been planned to ask questions about invisible barriers such as gender, age, carrier, and health. In 2019, she founded “fermata” with Amina and is mainly in charge of corporate sales.
Joined a major advertising agency in 2007. As a sales representative, Mimako was in charge of telecommunications carriers, major esthetic salons,etc.In her third year with the company, she experienced severe sickness that made it difficult for her to work during her pregnancy. And she keenly realized that a woman’s mind and body are strongly influenced by hormones. After returning to work, she worked in the new business development department and launched a product development project for women, and in June 2020, launched TRULY, a fem-tech service for women going through menopause.
KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子ジャーナリスト
前Business Insider Japan統括編集長
AERA元編集長KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子ジャーナリスト
前Business Insider Japan統括編集長
AERA元編集長1989年に朝日新聞社に入社。前橋、仙台支局、週刊朝日編集部を経て、99年からAERA編集部。副編集長などを経て、2014年からAERA編集長。2017年3月末で朝日新聞社を退社し、世界12カ国で展開するアメリカの経済オンラインメディアBusiness Insiderの日本版を統括編集長として立ち上げる。2020年末に退任しフリーランスのジャーナリストに。2022年8月に一般社団法人デジタル・ジャーナリスト育成機構を設立、代表を務める。「羽鳥慎一モーニングショー」「サンデーモーニング」のコメンテーターを務める他、ダイバーシティや働き方などについての講演多数。著書に『働く女子と罪悪感〜こうあるべきから離れたら仕事はもっと楽しくなる』(集英社)『男性中心企業の終焉』(文春新書)。
Joined the Asahi Shimbun in 1989. After working at Maebashi and Sendai bureaus and the Weekly Asahi editorial department,she joined the AERA editorial department in 1999. She left the Asahi Shimbun in 2017 to launch Business Insider Japan, the Japanese edition of an American online economic media company operating in 12 countries. In August 2022,she established the Digital Journalist Training Organization and serves as its representative. She is a commentator on several TV news programs.And has given numerous lectures on diversity and work styles.
KEN HARADA原田 謙実践女子大学人間社会学部 教授KEN HARADA原田 謙実践女子大学人間社会学部 教授
Ken Harada, PhD, is a professor at the Jissen Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. He specializes in urban sociology, social gerontology, and social research methods. His research focuses on the association between social relationships and subjective well-being in urban areas based on quantitative analysis. Recently, he has been studying intergenerational relationships in the workplace and community from the perspective of ageism.
DEI推進室長YOKO HAYAKAWA早川 陽子リクルート
DEI推進室長リクルートのDEI推進部門責任者。電機メーカーでの営業職を経て、2005年からリクルートで一貫してブライダル領域を担当。10年に第一子、13年に第二子を出産したのち、15年より営業部部長、16年総合企画部部長、17年マリッジ&ファミリー領域 営業統括部 執行役員 統括部長を経て、22年4月より現職。
Head of DEI Promotion Department at Recruit. After working in sales at an electronics manufacturer, she has been consistently in charge of the bridal domain at Recruit since 2005. After giving birth to her first child in 2010 and her second in 2013, she became the head of the sales department in 2015, the head of the general planning department in 2016, and the executive officer and head of the wedding and family domain sales management department in 2017, before assuming her current position in April 2022.
After working for Kao, Chiaki started Loftwork in 2000 and served as Representative Director and Chairman until 2022. After retiring, she established Q0. Based in Akita, Toyama, and other regions, Chiaki aims to create “inherited regional” designs that represent the times. She has served as a member of the jury for the Good Design Award, and as a member of the “Study Group on Industrial Competitiveness and Design” of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. She also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Hidakuma” which aims to create local industries through reforestation and manufacturing.
HIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表
コマーシャルディレクターHIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表
In 2000, joined the Financial Times, belongs to the commercial department. Since 2006, she has been the director of digital commercials for FT Asia. Since January 2007, she has served concurrently as the representative of Japan.
Has been in the current job since 2014. She leads the Japanese branch in Tokyo and oversees advertising operations throughout Asia. -
KENJI FUMA夫馬 賢治ニューラル
CEOサステナビリティ経営・ESG投資アドバイザリー会社を2013年に創業し現職。東証一部上場企業大手や機関投資家を多数クライアントに持つ。ニュースサイト「Sustainable Japan」編集長。著書『データでわかる 2030年 地球のすがた』(日本経済新聞出版)、『ESG思考』(講談社+α新書)他。Forbes、JBPress、現代ビジネスのオフィシャル・コラムニスト。環境省、農林水産省、厚生労働省のESG関連の有識者委員や、国際会議での委員を歴任。国際NGOウォーターエイドの日本支部「ウォーターエイドジャパン」理事。ハーバード大学大学院サステナビリティ専攻修士課程修了。サンダーバード・グローバル経営大学院MBA課程修了。東京大学教養学部国際関係論専攻卒。
Founded a sustainability management and ESG investment advisory firm in 2013. His clients include major corporations listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and many institutional investors. He is also the editor-in-chief of the news website “Sustainable Japan. He is an official columnist for Forbes, JBPress, and Gendai Business. He has served on ESG-related expert committees for the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as well as at international conferences. He is a board member of WaterAid Japan, the Japanese branch of the international NGO WaterAid. He holds a Master’s degree in Sustainability from Harvard University Graduate School of Business. MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. B.A. in International Relations, College of Liberal Arts, University of Tokyo.
EMI MATSUMOTO松本 笑美デル・テクノロジーズ
ジャパンリードEMI MATSUMOTO松本 笑美デル・テクノロジーズ
ジャパンリード日本のSDGs担当として、ソーシャルインパクト全般に従事。顧客への情報共有やSDGsプロジェクトの協働をはじめ、各行政、関係機関、NPO法人と共に活動。現在、東京都女性ベンチャー育成促進事業APT Womenへの海外派遣支援、海洋汚染ごみ削減プロジェクト、NPO法人のDXサポートプロジェクト、教育支援活動等、社内外での取り組みを行っている。 スタンフォード大学 Organizational Analysisコース, コペンハーゲン大学 SDGsコース修了。
Emi serves as the ESG Engagement lead in Dell Technologies Japan. She is focused on delivering Dell’s promise to customers/partners through our ESG initiatives. She’s been partnering with our customers and NPOs to support “sustainable engagements” and “society contribution”.
She is involved in a number of internal and external initiatives, including overseas support for APT Women, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s project to promote women’s venture development, a project to reduce ocean-bound plastic, a DX support project for NPOs and educational support activities.
Emi has gained course certifications of Organizational Analysis by Stanford University and the SDGs program by University of Copenhagen. She is passionate about building sustainable society, spotlighting individual talents and support its development. -
SAYOKO MATSUMOTO松本 紗代子キンドリルジャパン 執行役員
ストラテジックアライアンス事業部 兼 インクルージョン、ダイバーシティー&エクイティー担当SAYOKO MATSUMOTO松本 紗代子キンドリルジャパン 執行役員
ストラテジックアライアンス事業部 兼 インクルージョン、ダイバーシティー&エクイティー担当新卒で日本アイ・ビー・エムに営業として入社し、グローバルな事業を統括するポジションを複数歴任。2021年9月、キンドリルジャパン発足に際し、ストラテジックアライアンス事業部の事業部長に就任。インクルージョン、ダイバーシティー&エクイティーの推進も兼任し、世界最大規模のスタートアップ企業においてその戦略の要となるアライアンス事業の立ち上げと、新しい企業文化推進のための仕組みや制度作り双方の責任を担う。
Sayoko Matsumoto is VP, Strategic Alliances and Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Champion at Kyndryl Japan.Previously 18 years experiences as a sales and IBM’s first female MD in Japan, mainly has been responsible for the regional and international clients in manufacturing industry. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to build trust relationship with C-level executives within a short period of time, resulting in a proven track record in developing new transformational opportunities and consecutive growth.
She is passionate about building and leading a team which has diverse backgrounds by promoting mutual understanding and adaptability, and demonstrating leadership in driving Inclusion, Diversity and Equity efforts both internally for Kyndryl and externally with clients. -
AMI MIURA三浦 亜美ima(あいま)CEOAMI MIURA三浦 亜美ima(あいま)CEO
愛知県名古屋市出身。2013年にima(あいま)を創業し、awa酒協会の立ち上げや杜氏の技をサポートするAI-sakeプロジェクトを手掛けてきた。2020年には、志ある企業の事業承継をサポートする投資会社として「志本(しほん)」を創業し、匠の技や日本の伝統文化の継承として、レガシー産業にテクノロジーや金融を実装させ、現代へのアップデートに取り組んでいる。awa酒協会初代代表理事(2016年)。つくば市まちづくりアドバイザー(2017~2020年)。スタートアップ・エコシステム東京コンソーシアム アドバイザー(2020年~)。デジタルハリウッド大学 特任准教授(2019年~)。筑波大学 非常勤講師(2021年~)。
Ami Miura is from Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.In 2013, she founded ima.Inc and has been involved in the launch of the Japan Awasake Association and the AI-sake project to support the skills of toji (master brewers).In 2020, she founded Shiphon, Inc., an investment company that supports business succession of committed companies. The company is also working to implement technology and finance in legacy industries to update them to the modern age so as to inherit the craftsmanship and traditional Japanese culture.
The First President of Japan Awasake Association (2016). Advisor to Tsukuba City Community Development (2017-2020). Advisor at the Startup Ecosystem Tokyo Consortium (2020-). Specially Appointed Associate Professor at the Digital Hollywood University (2019-) Part-time Lecturer at the University of Tsukuba (2021-). -
代表取締役CHIKAKO MORIMOTO森本 千賀子morich
After graduating from Dokkyo University with a degree in Foreign Languages, Chikako joined Recruit(current). As a recruitment agent, she was involved in human resource strategy consulting and overall recruitment support for a wide range of companies, from major corporations to venture companies, and was mainly involved in coordinating human resources to meet the needs of various companies seeking executives and management-level personnel. In 2017, she established morich Inc. as a sole proprietorship, while also working as a side business and concurrently as a business owner. Chikako also writes and gives lectures while serving as NPO board member, outside director, advisor, and advisor, and embodies a diverse work style with an awareness of “multiple jobs = parallel career.
YUMIKO MURAKAMI村上 由美子MPower Partners
ゼネラル・パートナーYUMIKO MURAKAMI村上 由美子MPower Partners
Yumiko Murakami is the former head of the OECD Tokyo Centre, and she also spent 20 years working for Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. She is a leading authority on corporate governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, trade and innovation issues. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard Business School, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University.
取締役CMO -
多摩美術大学卒。広告会社、人材会社を経て、2016年に&Co.を設立。ブランド開発やコミュニケーション戦略、社会変革を中心としたプロジェクトプロデューサー。毎年11月に開催している、アジア最大規模の働き方の祭典「Tokyo Work Design Week」では3万人の動員に成功。鎌倉のコレクティブオフィス「北条SANCI」支配人。渋谷区発の起業家育成機関「渋谷スタートアップ大学(SSU)」、集合本屋「渋谷◯◯書店」などをプロデュース。代官山ロータリークラブ会員。法政大学兼任講師。米国ビジネス誌「FAST COMPANY」をはじめ国内外でアワード受賞。著書に『自己紹介2.0』(KADOKAWA)、『これからの僕らの働き方』(早川書房)がある。
Takashi is a graduate of Tama University of Art, and is involved in editorial services such as teleservices, magazines, and portals, as well as in corporate organization development and human resource development. He conducted over 500 lectures and seminars on behalf of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and was the representative of Tokyo Work Design Week, a canfarence for new generation workers in Japan, and a collaborative office and an official of the North Star SANCI, which was opened in Kamakura. Takashi is also the auther of several books.
YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクト 執行役員 常務 CMO
カルチャー&マインド推進室 室長YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクト 執行役員 常務 CMO
カルチャー&マインド推進室 室長パナソニックのB2Bソリューションビジネス(2022年4月よりパナソニックコネクト)のマーケティングおよびデザイン部門の責任者として国内外のマーケティング機能を強化しつつ、ビジネス改革・カルチャー改革に取り組んでいる。シスコシステムズ、ヤフージャパン、日本IBMなど複数の国内企業・外資系企業にてマーケティング部門管理職に25年以上従事し、2017年12月より現職。ダイバーシティ推進担当役員として、女性活躍、LGBTQ、男性育休100%取得などを推進している。日本アドバタイザーズ協会 デジタルメディア委員会 委員長。個人的に不登校児とその親を支援する活動にも従事。
As the head of the marketing and design departments of Panasonic’s B2B solutions business (to be renamed Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. in April 2022), Yukiko been aggressively strengthening the company’s global marketing functions while also implementing business and cultural reforms since December 2017. With over 25 years of marketing leadership experience, she has had a series of roles at various companies including IBM Japan, Yahoo Japan and Cisco Systems. She also supports the evolution of marketing in Japan as chairperson of the Digital Media Committee of the Japan Advertisers Association (JAA), and in her private time is engaged in activities to support children with educational challenges.
日時:2022年11月11日(金)12:00〜19:00 (開場 11:30)
Date: November 11th (FRI) 12:00-19:00 (door open 11:30)
Ticket price (includes session recordings):19,800 yen
* Click here for corporate tickets. >>
Venue: TRUNK (HOTEL) (5-31 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Organizer: MASHING UP
* If you need an assistance or an attendant at the venue on the day, please let us know in advance.Up to one caregiver or attendant may enter free of charge.
イベントに関するお問い合わせは、下記よりMASHING UPまでご連絡ください。
Please feel free to contact us for more details.